PowerGems are the building blocks for the Psychology of Shortcuts. There are many shortcuts available for your immediate use. The best piece of news is that you will find as many shortcuts... ... as you wish to find... as you believe you will find. That's a shortcut unto itself
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If you found yourself stopping to play with the colors, you might also enjoy other uses of these magnificent shortcuts of masters.
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No secrets, just shortcuts. That's how this became the largest personal web site on earth; not likely to be beaten: over 700 separate web sites, 107,000 pages, by one pair of hands, for one reason:
I believe that you are underrated and unappreciated, most of all by yourself.
Even one of these magical shortcuts, with ardency and repetition, near-instantly increases your yield, your result, in every known area of human endeavor.
These success shortcuts are called PowerGems for a clear and obvious reason: They are already being used successfully by people whom even you must heed:
those already doing it.
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it's the | ONLY ONE |
you will | ever |
ever | get |
©Steve Rubin - all rights reserved for those who shut up and feed hungrier people.
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These are the great shortcuts and so-called "secrets" of our most prolific role models, true masters; masters, millionaires, champions, billionaires: those already doing it with focus and excellence; ... getting better, faster results than you are now getting.
In short, either we get it from the horse's mouth... ... or we get caught at the wrong end of the horse. Begin simply enough by focusing on just what it is you want.
Who knows better than our role models, our masters, millionaires, champions, and billionaires? |